Selection for resilience in livestock production systems |
2024 |
Laghouaouta, Houda; Fraile, Lorenzo; Pena, Romi |
Review |
Long-read de novo assembly of the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) genome
2024 |
González Prendes, Rayner; Pena, Ramona Natacha; Richart, Cristóbal; Nadal, Jesús; Ros Freixedes, Roger |
Article d'investigació |
Hybrid assembly and comparative genomics unveil insights into the evolution and biology of the red‑legged partridge |
2024 |
Eleiwa, Abderrahmane; Nadal, Jesus; Vilaprinyo, Ester; Marin Sanguino, Alberto; Sorribas, Albert; Basallo, Oriol; Lucido, Abel; Richart, Cristobal; Pena, Ramona N.; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Usie, Anabel; |
Article d'investigació |
Association between mitochondrial DNA copy number and production traits in pigs |
2024 |
Molinero, Eduard; Pena, Ramona N.; Estany, Joan; Ros Freixedes, Roger |
Article d'investigació |
Whole-genome analysis of resilience based on the stability of reproduction performance during a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus outbreak in sows |
2024 |
Laplana, Marina; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Estany, Joan; Fraile, Lorenzo; Pena, Ramona Natacha |
Article d'investigació |
Validation of a phenotyping method to identify PRRSV-resilient sows and its impact on sow stayability |
2024 |
Fraile, Lorenzo; Vidal, Albert; Romero, Javier; Abella, Gloria; Gracia, Jordi; Blanco Penedo, Isabel; Pena, Ramona |
Article d'investigació |
Candidate markers for enhanced host response to PRRS have scarce adverse effects on pigs' growth and production |
2024 |
Laghouaouta, Houda; Fraile, Lorenzo; Estany, Joan; Pena, Ramona N. |
Article d'investigació |
Multiplex Assay to Determine Acute Phase Proteins in Modified Live PRRSV Vaccinated Pigs |
2024 |
Tor, Marc; Fraile, Lorenzo; Vilaró, Francisca; Pena, Ramona |
Article d'investigació |
Sequence variants associated with resilient responses in growing pigs |
2024 |
Laghouaouta, Houda; Laplana, Marina; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Fraile, Lorenzo J.; Pena, Ramona N. |
Article d'investigació |
Curso sobre: Animales resilientes. ¿Como se pueden integrar en los programas de medicina preventiva porcina? Parte III: Obtención de animales resilentes mediante edición genética |
2024 |
Pena, Romi; Stoian, Ana; Fraile, Lorenzo |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Impact of the leptin receptor gene on pig performance and quality traits |
2024 |
Suárez Mesa, Rafael; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Pena, Ramona N.; Reixach, Josep; Estany, Joan |
Article d'investigació |
Curso sobre: Animales resilientes. ¿Como se pueden integrar en los programas de medicina preventiva porcina? Parte II: Obtención de animales resilentes por selección asistida por marcadores |
2024 |
Pena, Romi; Stoian, Ana; Fraile, Lorenzo |
Article en revista divulgativa |
A novel QTL region for pH and meat color in Duroc pigs |
2024 |
Molinero, Eduard; Pena, Ramona N.; Estany, Joan; Ros Freixedes, Roger |
Article d'investigació |
Curso sobre: Animales resilientes. ¿Como se pueden integrar en los programas de medicina preventiva porcina? Parte I: Estrategias para el control de enfermedades |
2024 |
Pena, Romi; Stoian, Ana; Fraile, Lorenzo |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Genomic diversity and signals of selection processes in wild and farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) |
2023 |
Ros Freixedes, R.; Pena, R.N.; Richart, C.; Nadal, J. |
Article d'investigació |
The leptin receptor gene affects piglet behavior and growth |
2023 |
Suárez Mesa, R.; Ros Freixedes, R.; Díaz, M.; Marsellés, J.; Pena, R.N.; Reixach, J.; Estany, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Autopercepción de competencias transversales en estudiantes universitarios |
2023 |
Pena, R.N.; Serrano Pérez, B.; Álvarez-Rodríguez, J. |
Capítol de llibre docent |
Selection for environmental variance shifted the gut microbiome composition driving animal resilience |
2023 |
Casto Rebollo, C.; Argente, M.J.; García, M.L.; Pena, R.N.; Blasco, A.; Ibáñez Escriche, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of breed‑specific genomic variants in Colombian Creole pig breeds by whole‑genome sequencing |
2023 |
Suárez Mesa, Rafael; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Laghouaouta, Houda; Pena, Ramona N; Hernández Ortiz, Byron; Rondón Barragán, Iang; Estany, Joan |
Article d'investigació |
A genome-wide screen for resilient responses in growing pigs |
2022 |
Laghouaouta, Houda; Fraile, Lorenzo; Suárez Mesa, Rafael; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Estany, Joan; Pena, Ramona Natacha |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of a missense variant in the porcine AGPAT gene family associated with intramuscular fat content through whole-genome sequencing |
2022 |
Molinero, Eduard; Pena, Ramona N.; Estany, Joan; Ros Freixedes, Roger |
Article d'investigació |
Age evolution of lipid accretion rate in boars selected for lean meat and duroc barrows |
2022 |
Sarri, Laura; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Pena, Ramona N.; Ramírez, Gustavo A.; Tor, Marc; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Transcriptome shifts triggered by vitamin A and SCD genotype interaction in Duroc pigs. |
2022 |
Solé, E.; González Prendes, R.; Oliinychenko, Y.; Tor, M.; Ros Freixedes, R.; Estany, J.; Pena, R.N. |
Article d'investigació |
Antagonistic maternal and direct effects of the leptin receptor gene on body weight in pigs |
2021 |
E. Solé; R. Ros-Freixedes; M. Tor; J. Reixach; R.N. Pena; J. Estany |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of the SCD genotype on litter size and weight at weaning |
2021 |
Solé, Emma; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Gol, Sofia; Bosch, Lluís; Tor, Marc; Pena, Ramona N.; Reixach, Josep; Estany, Joan |
Article d'investigació |
Implantación del aprendizaje híbrido a través de módulos -guía en asignaturas de Ciencia Animal». |
2021 |
Serrano-Pérez B; Álvarez-Rodríguez J; Pena, RN |
Article docent |
A Methodology to Quantify Resilience in Growing Pigs |
2021 |
Laghouaouta, Houda; Pena, Ramona N.; Ros Freixedes, Roger; Reixach, Josep; Díaz, Marta; Estany, Joan; Armengol, Ramon; Bassols, Anna; Fraile, Lorenzo |
Article d'investigació |
A sequence variant in the diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 gene influences palmitoleic acid content in pig muscle |
2021 |
Solé, E.; Ros Freixedes, R.; Tor, M.; Pena, R.N.; Estany, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Using PRRSV-resilient sows improve performance in endemic infected farms with recurrent outbreaks |
2021 |
Gloria Abella; Adela Pagès-Bernaus; Joan Estany; Ramona Natacha Pena; Lorenzo Fraile; Lluis Miquel Plà-Aragonés |
Article d'investigació |
Comparative transcriptome profile between Iberian pig varieties provides new insights into their distinct fat deposition and fatty acids content. |
2021 |
Villaplana-Velasco, A.; Noguera, J.L.; Pena, R.N.; Ballester, M.; Muñoz, L.; González, E.; Tejeda, J.F.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Circulating non-esterified fatty acids as biomarkers for fat content and composition in pigs |
2021 |
Marc Tor; Francesca Vilaró; Roger Ros-Freixedes; Javier Álvarez-Rodríguez; Lluís Bosch; Sofia Gol; Ramona N. Pena; Josep Reixach; Joan Estany |
Article d'investigació |
Leptin receptor and fatty acid desaturase-2 gene variants affect fat, color and production profile of dry-cured hams |
2021 |
Rafael Suárez-Mesa; Roger Ros-Freixedes; Marc Tor; Josep Reixach; Ramona N. Pena; Joan Estany |
Article d'investigació |
Implantación del aprendizaje híbrido a través de módulos - guía en asignaturas de Ciencia Animal |
2021 |
Serrano Pérez, Beatriz; Álvarez Rodríguez, Javier; Pena i Subirà, Romi |
Publicació electrònica docent |
Resilient effects of SGK1 and TAP1 DNA markers during PRRSV outbreaks in reproductive sows |
2020 |
Marina Laplana; Joan Estany; Lorenzo José Fraile; Ramona Natacha Pena |
Article d'investigació |
A probabilistic Poisson-based model to detect PRRSV recirculation using sow production records |
2020 |
Fraile, L.; Fernández, N.; Pena, R.N.; Balasch, S.; Castellà, G.; Puig, P.; Estany, J.; Valls, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Genomic regions influencing intramuscular fat in divergently selected rabbit lines. |
2020 |
Bolívar Samuel Sosa‐Madrid; Pilar Hernández; Agustín Blasco; Chris Haley; Maria Antonia Santacreu; Romi Natacha Pena; Pau Navarro; Noelia Ibáñez‐Escriche |
Article d'investigació |
A genomewide association study in divergently selected lines in rabbits reveals novel genomic regions associated with litter size traits |
2020 |
Sosa‐Madrid, Bolívar Samuel; Santacreu, María Antonia; Blasco, Agustín; Fontanesi, Luca; Romi Natacha Pena, Romi Natacha; Ibáñez‐Escriche, Noelia |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of functional mutations associated with environmental variance of litter size in rabbits |
2020 |
Cristina Casto-Rebollo; María José Argente; María Luz García; Romi Pena; Noelia Ibáñez-Escriche |
Article d'investigació |
Genetic markers associated with field PRRSV-induced abortion rates |
2019 |
Pena, R.N.; Fernández, C.; Blasco-Felip, M.; Fraile, L.J.; Estany, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of resilient sows in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus infected farms |
2019 |
Abella, Glòria; Novell, Elena; Tarancon, Vicenç; Varona, Luis; Pena, Ramona N.; Estany, Joan; Fraile, Lorenzo |
Article d'investigació |
Linoleic acid metabolic pathway allows for an efficient increase of intramuscular fat content in pigs |
2019 |
Gol, S.; González Prendes, R.; Bosch, L.; Tor, M.; Reixach, J.; Pena, RN.; Estany, J |
Article d'investigació |
Comparing the mRNA expression profile and the genetic determinism of intramuscular fat traits in the porcine gluteus medius and longissimus dorsi muscles |
2019 |
González-Prendes, R; Quintanilla, R; Mármol-Sánchez, E; Pena, RN; Ballester, M; Cardoso, TF; Manunza, A; Casellas, J; Cánovas, Á; Díaz, I; Noguera, JL; Castelló, A; Mercadé, A; Amills, M |
Article d'investigació |
Five genomic regions have a major impact on fat composition in Iberian pigs. |
2019 |
Pena, RN; Noguera, JL; García-Santana, MJ; González, E; Tejeda, JF; Ros-Freixedes, R; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Modulatory effect of protein and carotene dietary levels on pig gut microbiota |
2019 |
González-Prendes, Rayner; Pena, Ramona Natacha; Solé, Emma; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Estany, Joan; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis |
Article d'investigació |
A polymorphism in the fatty acid desaturase-2 gene is associated with the arachidonic acid metabolism in pigs |
2018 |
Gol S; Pena RN; Rothschild MF; Tor M; Estany J |
Article d'investigació |
Carcass lean-yield effects on the fatty acid and amino acid composition of Duroc pork and its technological quality after vacuum-aging |
2018 |
Álvarez-Rodríguez J; Ros-Freixedes R; Gol S; Henríquez-Rodríguez E; Pena RN; Bosch Ll; Estany J; Vilaró F; Tor M |
Article d'investigació |
Current Status of Genomic Maps: Genomic Selection/GBV in Livestock |
2018 |
A. Blasco; R.N. Pena |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutrition |
2018 |
Zhu, C.; Farre, G.; Zanga, D.; Lloveras, J.; Michelena, A.; Ferrio, J.P.; Voltas, J.; Slafer, G.A.; Savin, R.; Albajes, R.; Eizaguirre, M.; Lopez, C.; Cantero Martínez, C.; Díaz Gómez, J.; Nogareda, C |
Review |
La selección genómica |
2017 |
Estany J, Pena RN |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Joint QTL mapping and gene expression analysis identify positional candidate genes influencing pork quality traits |
2017 |
R González-Prendes; R Quintanilla; A Cánovas; A Manunza; T Figueiredo Cardoso; J Jordana; JL Noguera; RN Pena; M Amills |
Article d'investigació |
Carotenoid intake and SCD genotype exert complementary effects over fat content and fatty acid composition in Duroc pigs |
2017 |
Henriquez-Rodriguez, E, Pena RN, Seradj AR, Fraile L, Christou P, Tor M, Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Triennial growth and development symposium: Genetics and breeding for intramuscular fat and oleic acid content in pigs |
2017 |
Estany J, Ros-Freixedes R, Tor M, Pena RN. |
Article d'investigació |
Técnicas de genotipado masivo |
2017 |
Pena RN, Estany J |
Article en revista divulgativa |
The effect of SCD and LEPR genetic polymorphisms on fat content and composition is maintained throughout fattening in Duroc pigs |
2016 |
Henriquez-Rodriguez E, Bosch L, Tor M, Pena RN, Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Polymorphisms of the porcine cathepsins, growth hormone-releasing hormone and leptin receptor genes and their association with meat quality traits in Ukrainian Large White breed. |
2016 |
VV Balatskyi; Bankovska I; RN Pena; A Saienko; T Buslyk; S Korinnyi; O Doran |
Article d'investigació |
Pernils amb pedigrí |
2016 |
Estany J, Tor M, Pena RN |
Pàgina web |
Relationship between perilipin genes polymorphisms and growth, carcass and meat quality traits in pigs |
2016 |
Gol S, Ros-Freixedes R, Zambonelli P, Tor M, Pena RN, Braglia S, Zappaterra M, Estany J, Davoli R. |
Article d'investigació |
A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome resistance and growth performance in pigs |
2016 |
Abella, G; Pena, RN; Nogareda, C; Armengol, R; Vidal, A; Moradell, L; Tarancon, V; Novell, E; Estany, J; Fraile, L. |
Article d'investigació |
Genetic Marker Discovery in Complex Traits: A Field Example on Fat Content and Composition in Pigs |
2016 |
RN Pena; R Ros-Freixedes; M Tor; J Estany |
Article d'investigació |
Genome-wide association study singles out SCD and LEPR as the two main loci influencing intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition in Duroc pigs |
2016 |
Ros-Freixedes R, Gol S, Pena RN, Tor M, Ibáñez-Escriche N, Dekkers JCM, Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Expression profiling of the GBP1 gene as a candidate gene for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome resistance |
2015 |
Gol S, Estany J, Fraile LJ, Pena RN. |
Article d'investigació |
Investigating reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR analysis across four chicken tissues |
2015 |
Bagés S, Estany J, Tor M, Pena RN |
Article d'investigació |
Sequence variation in the cathepsin B (CTSB), L (CTSL), S (CTSS) and K (CTSK) genes in Ukrainian pig breeds |
2015 |
VV Balatskyi; KF Pocherniaev; TV Buslyk; OS Dykan; SN Korinnyi; RN Pena; O Doran |
Article d'investigació |
A polymorphism in the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene promoter increases monounsaturated fatty acid content in dry-cured ham |
2015 |
Henriquez-Rodriguez E, Tor M, Pena, RN, Estany, J |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of signatures of selection for intramuscular fat and backfat thickness in two Duroc populations |
2015 |
Kim Es, Ros-Freixedes R, Pena RN, Baas TJ, Estany J, Rothschild MF. |
Article d'investigació |
A polymorphism in the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene promoter influences monounsaturated fatty acid content of Duroc × Iberian hams |
2015 |
Henriquez-Rodriguez E, Tor M, Pena RN, Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Genetic diversity of pig breeds on ten production quantitative traits loci |
2015 |
VV Balatskyi; AM Saienko; RN Pena; TV Buslyk; OS Gibolenko |
Article d'investigació |
Application of the microarray technology to the transcriptional analysis of muscle phenotypes in pigs |
2014 |
Pena, R.N.; Quintanilla, R.; Manunza, A.; Gallardo, D.; Casellas, J.; Amills, M. |
Review |
A genome-wide association analysis for porcine serum lipid traits reveals the existence of age-specific genetic determinants. |
2014 |
Manunza, A.; Casellas, J.; Quintanilla, R.; González-Prendes, R.; Pena, R.N.; Tibau, J.; Mercadé, A.; Castellá, A.; Aznarez, N.; Hernández-Sánchez, J.; Amills, M. |
Review |
Associations between pig adiponectin (ADIPOQ) genotype and serum lipid levels are modulated by age-specific modifiers |
2014 |
A. Castelló; R. Quintanilla; C. Melo; D. Gallardo; A. Zidi; A. Manunza; J. L. Noguera; J. Tibau; J. Jordana; R.N. Pena; M. Amills |
Article d'investigació |
A functional variant in the Stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene promoter enhances fatty acid desaturation in pork |
2014 |
Estany J, Ros-Freixedes R, Tor M, Pena RN |
Article d'investigació |
DECR1 and ME1 genotypes are associated with lipid composition traits in Duroc pigs |
2014 |
Ramírez O, Quintanilla R, Varona L, Gallardo D, Díaz I, Pena RN, Amills M. |
Article d'investigació |
Variability-specific differential gene expression across reproductive stages in sows. |
2013 |
Casellas J.; Martínez-Giner M.; Pena R.N.; Balcells I.; Fernández-Rodríguez A.; Ibáñez-Escriche N.; Noguera J.L. |
Article d'investigació |
An association analysis between polymorphisms of the pig solute carrier family 27A (SLC27A), member 1 and 4 genes and serum and muscle lipid traits |
2013 |
Melo, C.; Gallardo, D.;Quintanilla, R.; Zidi, A.; Castelló, A.; Díaz, I.; Amills, M.; Pena, R.N. |
Article d'investigació |
Analysis of porcine adipose tissue transcriptome reveals differences in de novo fatty acid synthesis in pigs with divergent muscle fatty acid composition |
2013 |
Corominas J; Ramayo-Caldas Y; Puig-Oliveras A; Estellé J; Castelló A; Alves E; Pena RN; Ballester M; Folch JM |
Article d'investigació |
Transcriptional analysis of intramuscular fatty acid composition in the longissimus thoracis muscle of Iberian × Landrace back-crossed pigs. |
2013 |
Pena RN; Noguera JL; Casellas J; Díaz I; Fernández AI; Folch JM; Ibáñez-Escriche N |
Article d'investigació |
Melhoria do contéudo de gordura intramuscular e do ácido oleico em suínos |
2013 |
Bosch L, Ros-Freixedes R, Pena RN, Tor M, Estany J. |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Mejora del contenido de grasa intramuscular y ácido oleico en porcino |
2013 |
Bosch L, Ros-Freixedes R, Pena RN, Tor M, Estany J. |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Disentangling Two QTL on Porcine Chromosome 12 for Backfat Fatty Acid Composition |
2013 |
Muñoz M, Fernández AI, Benítez R, Pena RN, Folch JM, Rodríguez Mdel C, Silió L, Alves E. |
Article d'investigació |
Selection of Internal Control Genes for Real-Time Quantitative PCR in Ovary and Uterus of Sows across Pregnancy |
2013 |
Martínez-Giner, M.; Noguera, J.L.; Balcells, I.; Fernández-Rodríguez, A.; Pena, R.N. |
Article d'investigació |
Genetics of serum and muscle lipids in pigs |
2013 |
Casellas, J.; Vidal, O.; Pena, R.N.; Gallardo, D.; Manunza, A.; Quintanilla, R.; Amills, M. |
Review |
Association analysis with lipid traits of two candidate genes (LRP12 and TRIB1) mapping to a SSC4 QTL for serum triglyceride concentration in pigs. |
2013 |
Melo, C.; Quintanilla, R.; Gallardo, D.; Zidi, A.; Jordana, J.; Díaz, I.; Pena, R.N.; Amills, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Genomic architecture of heritability and genetic correlations for intramuscular and back fat contents in Duroc pigs |
2013 |
Hernández-Sánchez J, Amills M, Pena RN, Mercadé A, Manunza A, Quintanilla R. |
Article d'investigació |
Appearance, flavor and texture attributes of pig dry-cured hams have a complex polygenic genomic architecture |
2013 |
Pena, R.N.; Gallardo, D.; Guàrdia, M.D.; Reixach, J.; Arnau, J.; Amills, M.; Quintanilla, R. |
Article d'investigació |
Mapping and tissue mRNA expression analysis of the pig solute carrier 27A (SLC27A) multigene family. |
2013 |
Gallardo, D.; Amills, M.; Quintanilla, R.; Pena, R.N. |
Article d'investigació |
Mejora del contenido de grasa intraMuscular y ácido oleico en porcino |
2013 |
L. Bosch; R. Ros-Freixedes; R.N. Pena; M. Tor; J. Estany |
Document científic-tècnic |
Joint effects of porcine leptin and leptin receptor polymorphisms on productivity and quality traits |
2012 |
Pérez-Montarelo D.; Fernández A.; Folch J.M.; Pena R.N.; Ovilo C.; Rodríguez C.; Silió L.; Fernández A.I. |
Article d'investigació |
Segregation of regulatory polymorphisms with effects on the gluteus medius transcriptome in a purebred pig population |
2012 |
Canovas A.; Pena R.N.; Gallardo D.; Ramírez O.; Amills, M.; Quintanilla R. |
Article d'investigació |
Quantitative trait loci analysis of a Duroc commercial population highlights differences in the genetic determination of meat quality traits at two different muscles. |
2012 |
Gallardo D.; Pena R.N.; Quintanilla R.; Ramírez O.; Almuzara D.; Noguera J.L.; Amills M. |
Article d'investigació |
Expression study on the porcine PTHLH gene and its relationship with sow teat number |
2011 |
Martínez-Giner M, Noguera JL, Balcells I, Alves E, Varona L, Pena RN. |
Article d'investigació |
Porcine intramuscular fat content and composition are regulated by quantitative trait loci with muscle-specific effects |
2011 |
Quintanilla R.; Pena R.N.; Gallardo D.; Canovas A.; Ramirez O.; Diaz I.; Noguera J.L.; Amills, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Differential gene expression in ovaries of pregnant pigs with high and low prolificacy levels and identification of candidate genes for litter size |
2011 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez A, Munoz M, Fernandez A, Pena RN, Tomas A, Noguera JL, Ovilo C, Fernandez AI. |
Article d'investigació |
Functional and association studies on the pig HMGCR gene, a cholesterol-synthesis limiting enzyme |
2010 |
Canovas A; Quintanilla R; Gallardo D; Díaz I; Noguera JL; Ramírez O; Pena RN. |
Article d'investigació |
Copy number variation in the porcine genome inferred from a 60 k SNP BeadChip |
2010 |
Ramayo-Caldas Y, Castello A, Pena RN, Alves E, Mercade A, Souza CA, Fernandez AI, Perez-Enciso M, Folch JM. |
Article d'investigació |
Material de suport docents per l'assignatura de Biotecnologia Animal, Master en Producció i Sanitat Porcines, any acadèmic 2010/11 |
2010 |
R.N. Pena |
Apunts docents |
Material de suport docents per l'assignatura de Tecnologies de la Producció Animal, Retitulació a Grau d'Enginyer Agrònom, any acadèmic 2010/11 |
2010 |
R.N. Pena |
Apunts docents |
Material de suport docents per l'assignatura de Millora Animal, Grau de Ciència i Salut Animal, any acadèmic 2010/11 |
2010 |
R.N. Pena |
Apunts docents |
Material de suport docents per l'assignatura de Genètica, Grau de Ciència i Salut Animal, any acadèmic 2010/11 |
2010 |
R.N. Pena |
Apunts docents |
Material de suport docents per l'assignatura de Biotecnologia i Millora Animal, Llicenciatura de Biotecnologia, any acadèmic 2010/11 |
2010 |
R.N. Pena |
Apunts docents |
Technical note: Efficient protocol for isolation of total ribonucleic acid from lyophilized fat and muscle pig samples |
2010 |
Pena RN; Cánovas, A; Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Muscle transcriptomic profiles in pigs with divergent phenotypes for fatness traits |
2010 |
Canovas A; Quintanilla R; Amills M; Pena RN |
Article d'investigació |
Gene encoding the prothoracicotropic hormone of a moth is expressed in the brain and gut |
2010 |
Perez-Hedo M, Pena RN, Sehnal F, Eizaguirre M. |
Article d'investigació |
Association between the polymorphism of the pig HDL-binding protein (HDLBP) gene and intramuscular fat percentage |
2009 |
Canovas E; Quintanilla R; Badaoui B; Porredón C; Gallardo D; Díaz I; Pena RN; Amills M |
Article d'investigació |
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase and stearoyl-CoA desaturase protein expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue is reduced in pigs selected for decreased backfat thickness at constant intramuscular fat content |
2009 |
Cánovas A, Estany J, Tor M, Pena RN, Doran O. |
Article d'investigació |
Proximal promoter of the pig HMGCR gene: Structural and functional study |
2009 |
Cánovas A; Quintanilla R; Reecy JM; Marqués MM; Pena RN |
Article d'investigació |
Nucleotide sequence and association analysis of pig Apolipoprotein-B and LDL-receptor genes |
2009 |
Pena RN; Cánovas A; Varona L; Díaz I; Gallardo D; Ramírez O; Noguera JL; Quintanilla R |
Article d'investigació |
Polymorphism of the pig acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACACA) gene is associated with fatty acid composition in a Duroc commercial line |
2009 |
Gallardo D; Quintanilla R; Varona L; Díaz I; Ramírez O; Pena RN; Amills M. |
Article d'investigació |
Evaluation of FABP2 as candidate gene for a fatty acid composition QTL in porcine chromosome 8 |
2009 |
Estellé J; Mercadé A; Pérez-Enciso M; Pena RN; Silió L; Sánchez A; Folch JM. |
Article d'investigació |
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride serum concentrations in pigs |
2008 |
Gallardo D; Pena RN; Amills M; Varona L; Ramírez O; Reixach J; Díaz I; Tibau J; Soler J; Prat-Cuffi JM; Noguera JL; Quintanilla R |
Article d'investigació |
Alternative splicing at exon 28 of the acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase alpha gene in adult pigs and embryos |
2008 |
Gallardo D; Cánovas E; López-Béjar M; Ramírez O; Pena RN; Quintanilla R; Amills M. |
Article d'investigació |
Illuminating role of CYP1A1 in skin function |
2008 |
Rowe J; Welsh C; Pena RN; Wolf CR; Brown K; Whitelaw CBA. |
Article d'investigació |
Mammary gland differentiation inversely correlates with GDF-8 expression |
2008 |
Manickam R; Pena RN; Whitelaw CBA |
Article d'investigació |
Positive association between porcine PTHLH gene and teat number in a F2 Meishan and Iberian crossbreed |
2007 |
Martinez M; Noguera JL; Ramírez O; Alves E; Pena RN |
Article d'investigació |
Gene expression analysis of pig muscle associated to cholesterol and fat parameters |
2007 |
Cánovas A, Casellas J, Varona L, Díaz I, Quintanilla R, Pena RN. |
Article d'investigació |
Efficient generation of transgenic pigs using equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV) derived vector |
2005 |
Whitelaw CBA; Radcliffe RA; Ritchie WA; Carlisle A; Ellard FM; Pena RN; Rowe J; Clark AJ; King TJ; Mitrophanous KA |
Article d'investigació |
Duplication of Stat5-binding sites within the beta-lactoglobulin promoter compromises transcription in vivo |
2005 |
Pena RN, Whitelaw CBA. |
Article d'investigació |
Transgene methylation in mice reflects copy-number and transcriptional competence but not expression levels |
2004 |
Pena RN; Webster J; Kwan S; Korbel J; Whitelaw CBA |
Article d'investigació |
Mammary gland specific expression of goat -lactoglobulin gene comprising a 410 bp-long promoter in transgenic mice |
2001 |
Pena RN; Ibáñez E; Folch JM; Vidal F; Sánchez A; Santaló J |
Article d'investigació |
Polymorphism in the goat beta-lactoglobulin proximal promoter region |
2000 |
Yahyaoui MH; Pena RN; Coll A; Sánchez A; Folch JM |
Article d'investigació |
Caracterization of genetic polymorphism on the goat beta-lactoglobulin gene |
2000 |
Pena RN, Sánchez A, Folch JM. |
Article d'investigació |
Isolation, characterization and relative quantitation by fluorescent ratio PCR of feline beta-lactoglobulin I, II and III cDNAs |
1999 |
Pena RN; Coll A; Sánchez A; Folch JM |
Article d'investigació |
Chromatin structures of goat and sheep Beta-lactoglobulin gene differ |
1998 |
Pena RN; Folch JM; Sánchez A; Whitelaw CBA |
Article d'investigació |