Characterization of Microbial Populations in Two Distinct Dairy Manure Management Systems: Seasonal Effect and Implications for Pollutant Gases Emissions
2024 |
Fuertes, Esperanza; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Balcells, Joaquim; Maynegre, Jordi; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of partial or complete replacement of dietary inorganic trace minerals supplement with an advanced chelated source on nutrient digestibility in sheep
2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, Hossein ; Shokri, Zahra; Rohollahi, Mahdi; Yari, Mojtaba; Fakharzadeh, Saideh; Kalanaky, Somayeh; Nazaran, Mohammad Hassan; de la Fuente Oliver, Gabriel; Seradj, Ahmad Reza |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of energy level and presentation form of concentrate in intensive dairy calves fattening system: Impact on growth performance and feeding behavior of Holstein and Montbeliarde breeds
| 2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, Hossein; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Mora, Jesus; Costa Roure, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; de la Fuente, Gabriel; Villalba, Daniel |
Article d'investigació |
Valoración de la autopercepción de las competencias digitales. en estudiantes de Ciencia Animal |
2023 |
Martín-Alonso, MJ; Alvarez-Rodriguez, J; De la Fuente, G; Verdú-Pina, M; García-Ispierto, I; Pena, RN; Villalba, D; Serrano-Perez, B |
Capítol de llibre docent |
Measurement of Methane and Ammonia Emissions from Compost-Bedded Pack Systems in Dairy Barns: Tilling Effect and Seasonal Variations |
2023 |
Fuertes, E.; Balcells, J.; Maynegre, J.; de la Fuente, G.; Sarri, L.; Seradj, A. R. |
Article d'investigació |
Protein turnover in pigs: A review of interacting factors |
2023 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; Seradj, A. R.; de la Fuente, G. |
Article d'investigació |
Desarrollo de competencias digitales. mediante el uso de recursos digitales abiertos en el ámbito de la Ciencia Animal |
2023 |
De la Fuente G; Martín-Alonso MJ; Villalba D; Alvarez-Rodriguez J; García-Ispierto I; Pena RN; Serrano-Perez B |
Capítol de llibre docent |
Age evolution of lipid accretion rate in boars selected for lean meat and duroc barrows |
2022 |
Sarri, Laura; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Pena, Ramona N.; Ramírez, Gustavo A.; Tor, Marc; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
First Steps into Ruminal Microbiota Robustness |
2022 |
Costa Roura, S.; Villalba, D.; Balcells, J.; De la Fuente, G. |
Review |
Growth and bacterial dynamics of beef calves during transition from milk/pasture to a high-concentrate diet added with tannins or medium-chain fatty acids |
2021 |
Yuste, S.; Amanzougarene, Z.; de la Fuente, G.; Fondevila, M.; de Vega, A. |
Article d'investigació |
Evolution of viscera and muscle fractional protein synthesis rate in lean meat selected hybrids and castrated Duroc pigs fed under moderate crude protein restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; De la Fuente, G.; Tor, M.; Gómez Arrue, J.; Seradj, A.R. |
Article d'investigació |
Clinical and Echocardiographic Findings in an Aged Population of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels |
2021 |
Jorge Prieto Ramos; Andrea Corda; Simon Swift; Laura Saderi; Gabriel De La Fuente Oliver; Brendan Corcoran; Kim M. Summers; Anne T. French |
Article d'investigació |
Coeficiente Nitrógeno/Fósforo y pérdidas de N |
2021 |
Esperanza Fuertes; Jordi Maynegre; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente; Joaquim Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
The Impact of Genetics on Gut Microbiota of Growing and Fattening Pigs under Moderate N Restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, Laura; Costa Roura, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Annual Nitrogen Balance from Dairy Barns, Comparison between Cubicle and Compost-Bedded Pack Housing Systems in the Northeast of Spain |
2021 |
Fuertes, E.; Seradj, A. R.; Maynegre, J.; Villalba, D.; de la Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
The Impact of Producing Type and Dietary Crude Protein on Animal Performances and Microbiota Together with Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Growing Pigs |
2020 |
Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquim Balcells; Laura Sarri; Lorenzo Fraile; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
Nutrient utilization efficiency, ruminal fermentation and microbial community in Holstein bulls fed concentrate-based diets with different forage source |
2020 |
Sandra Costa-Roura; Joaquim Balcells; Gabriel de la Fuente; Jesús Mora-Gil; Núria Llanes; Daniel Villalba |
Article d'investigació |
Study of nitrogen fluxes across conventional solid floor cubicle and compost-bedded pack housing systems in dairy cattle barns located in the Mediterranean area: Effects of seasonal variation |
2020 |
J. Balcells; E. Fuertes; A. R. Seradj; J. Maynegre; D. Villalba; G. de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of protein restriction on performance, ruminal fermentation and microbial community in Holstein bulls fed high-concentrate diets |
2020 |
Sandra Costa-Roura; Joaquim Balcells; Gabriel de la Fuente; Jesús Mora-Gila, Núria Llanes; Daniel Villalba |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial fermentation of starch‑ or fibre-rich feeds added with dry or pre-activated Saccharomyces cerevisiae studied in vitro under conditions simulating high-concentrate feeding for ruminants |
2020 |
Amanzougarene, Z; Tejeda, M.P; Calvo, H; de la Fuente, G; Fondevila, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Balance de nitrógeno en dos sistemas de alojamiento en vacas lecheras cubículos vs cama compostante |
2020 |
Joaquim Balcells; Esperanza Fuertes; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Jordi Maynegre; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article en revista divulgativa |
In vitro and in situ degradation characteristics and rumen fermentation products of Moringa oleifera harvested at three different ages |
2019 |
Seradj, A.R.; Morazán, H.; Fondevila, M.; Liang, J.B.; De La Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Methanogenesis in animals with foregut and hindgut fermentation: A review |
2019 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; David Yañez-Ruiz; Ahmad Seradj; Joaquim Balcells Teres; Alejandro Belanche |
Review |
Not all saponins have a greater antiprotozoal activity than their related sapogenins |
2019 |
E. Ramos-Morales; L. Lyons; G. de la Fuente; R. Braganca; C.J. Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Nanopartículas de plata como aditivo en dietas para lechones en transición |
2019 |
Fondevila, Manuel; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Rumen protozoal dynamics during the transition from milk/grass to high-concentrate based diet in beef calves as affected by the addition of tannins or medium-chain fatty acids |
2019 |
S. Yuste; Z. Amanzougarene; G. de la Fuente; A. de Vega; M. Fondevila |
Article d'investigació |
Un paso adelante en la alimentación de precisión |
2018 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquín Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Effect of dietary fat to starch content on fecal microbiota composition and activity in dogs |
2018 |
Schauf, S.; De la Fuente, G.; Newbold, C.J.; Salas-Mani, A.; Torre, C.; Abecia, L.; Castrillo C. |
Article d'investigació |
The impact of reducing dietary crude protein and increasing total dietary fiber on hindgut fermentation, the methanogen community and gas emission in growing pigs |
2018 |
Seradj AR; Balcells J ; Morazan H; Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Babot D and De la Fuente G |
Article d'investigació |
Functional resilience and response to a dietary additive (Kefir) in models of foregut and hindgut microbial fermentation in vitro |
2017 |
De La Fuente, G.; Jones, E.; Jones, S.; Newbold, CJ. |
Article d'investigació |
Antiprotozoal effect of saponins in the rumen can be enhanced by chemical modifications in their structure |
2017 |
Eva Ramos-Morales; Gabriel De La Fuente; Stéphane Duval; Christof Wehrli; Marc E. Bouillon; Martina Lahmann; David Preskett; Radek Braganca; Charles J. Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Improving the antiprotozoal effect of saponins in the rumen by combination with glycosidase inhibiting iminosugars or by modification of their chemical structure |
2017 |
Eva Ramos-Morales;Gabriel de la Fuente;Robert J. Nash;Radek Braganca;Stephane Duval;Marc E. Bouillon;Martina Lahmann;C. Jamie Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Ciliate protozoa of the forestomach of llamas (Lama glama) from locations at different altitude in Argentina |
2016 |
Cerón Cucchi M, Marcoppido G, Dekker A, Fondevila M, De La Fuente G, Morici G, Cravero S. |
Article d'investigació |
The role of ciliate protozoa in the rumen |
2015 |
Newbold CJ, de la Fuente G, Belanche A, Ramos-Morales E, McEwan N. |
Review |
Study of methanogen communities associated with different rumen protozoal populations |
2015 |
Alejandro Belanche; Gabriel de la Fuente; Charles J. Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
The physical form of corn influences the rumen bacterial biodiversity-preliminary results |
2015 |
Rossi, G.; Tagliapietra, F.; Pinloche, E.; De La Fuente, G.; Schiavon, S.; Maccarana, L.; Bittante, G.; Newbold, C.J. |
Article d'investigació |
Pros and cons of ion-torrent next generation sequencing versus terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism T-RFLP for studying the rumen bacterial community |
2014 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Alejandro Belanche; Susan E. Girwood; Eric Pinloche; Toby Wilkinson; C. Jamie Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Manipulating rumen fermentation to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact |
2014 |
Newbold, C.J.; de la Fuente G.; Belanche, A.; Hart, K.; Pinloche, E.; Wilkinson, T.; Saetnan, E.R.; Ramos-Morales, E. |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Effect of progressive inoculation of fauna-free sheep with holotrich protozoa and total-fauna on rumen fermentation, microbial diversity and methane emissions |
2014 |
Alejandro Belanche; Gabriel de la Fuente; Charles J. Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Characterisation of the faecal bacterial community in adult and elderly horses fed a high fibre, high oil or high starch diet using 454 pyrosequencing |
2014 |
Dougal K; de la Fuente G; Harris PA; Girdwood SE; Pinloche E; Geor RJ; Nielsen BD; Schott HC; Elzinga S; Newbold CJ |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of a core bacterial community within the large intestine of the horse |
2013 |
Kirsty Dougal; Gabriel de la Fuente; Patricia A. Harris; Susan E. Girdwood; Eric Pinloche; C. Jamie Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
Biological effect of tannins from different vegetal origin on microbial and fermentation traits in vitro |
2013 |
R. Rodríguez; G. de la Fuente; S. Gómez; M. Fondevila |
Article d'investigació |
Analysis of stomach bacterial communities in Australian feral horses |
2012 |
Benoit St-Pierre; Gabriel de la Fuente; Sean O¿Neill; André-Denis G. Wright; Rafat Al Jassim |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of diet and absence of protozoa on the rumen microbial community and on the representativeness of bacterial fractions used in the determination of microbial protein synthesis |
2012 |
A. Belanche; G. de la Fuente; E. Pinloche; C. J. Newbold; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Bacterial protein degradation by different rumen protozoal groups |
2012 |
A. Belanche; G. de la Fuente; J. M. Moorby; C. J. Newbold |
Article d'investigació |
The persistence of microbial-specific DNA sequences through gastric digestion in lambs and its potential use as microbial markers Journal Animal Science 89, 2812-2816 |
2011 |
Belanche A; de la Fuente G; Yáñez-Ruiz D.R ; Newbold C.J.; Calleja L. ; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Validation of sheep rumen fluid frozen in liquid N as inoculum for in vitro gas production trials. |
2011 |
Prates A.; de Oliveira J.A.;de la Fuente G.;Abecia L.; Fondevila M. |
Article d'investigació |
In vitro predation of pure bacterial species by rumen protozoa from monofaunated sheep, determined by qPCR |
2011 |
de la Fuente G.; Morgavi D.P.; Belanche A.; Fondevila M. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of type roughage and level of barley supplementation on digestibility, rumen fermentation and microbial-N yield |
2011 |
Belanche A.; de la Fuente G.; Guada J.A.; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Technical note: The persistence of microbial-specific DNA sequences through gastric digestion in lambs and their potential use as microbial markers |
2011 |
A. Belanche; G. de la Fuente; D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz; C. J. Newbold; L. Calleja; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Study of the effect of presence or absence of protozoa on rumen fermentation and microbial protein contribution to the chyme |
2011 |
A. Belanche; L. Abecia; G. Holtrop; J. A. Guada; C. Castrillo; G. de la Fuente; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Study of the effect of the presence or absence of protozoa on rumen fermentation characteristics and microbial contribution to the chyme. |
2011 |
Belanche A.;Abecia, L ;Holtrop, G.;Guada J.A.;Castrillo, C; de la Fuente G ; Balcells J |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of Type Roughage and Level of Barley Suplementation on Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation and Microbial-N Yield. |
2011 |
A. Belanche. G.; De la Fuente J. A.; Guada ; J. Balcells (2011) |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Predation of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium by the rumen protozoon Entodinium caudatum studied in vitro by fluorescence emission |
2010 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Manuel Fondevila; Diego P. Morgavi |
Article d'investigació |
Description of development of rumen ecosystem by PCR assay in milk-fed, weaned and finished lambs in an intensive fattening system |
2010 |
Belanche, A; Balcells, J; de la Fuente, G; Yañez-Ruíz, DR; Fondevila, M; Calleja, L. |
Article d'investigació |
In vitro ruminal fermentation of carbohydrates by Spanish Ibex |
2009 |
de la Fuente, G; Belanche, A; Fondevila, M |
Article d'investigació |
Rumen protozoal diversity in the Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica) as compared with domestic goats (Capra hircus) |
2008 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Alejandro Belanche; Leticia Abecia; Burk A. Dehority; Manuel Fondevila |
Article d'investigació |
Ciliate protozoa of the forestomach of llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas (Vicugna pacos) from the Bolivian Altiplano |
2008 |
Del Valle, I; De La Fuente, G; Fondevila, M |
Article d'investigació |
Preliminary study on the effect of exposure to low temperature on the viability of both mixed and monocultures of rumen protozoa |
2006 |
De La Fuente, G.; Pérez-Quintana, M.; Cebrián, J.A.; Fondevila, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of the cryopreservation conditions on the viability of the rumen ciliate Diploplastron (Metadinium) affine |
2006 |
G. De La Fuente; J.A. Cebrián; M. Fondevila |
Article d'investigació |
Rumen ciliate fauna of Icelandic cattle, sheep, goats and reindeer |
2006 |
De La Fuente, G; Skirnisson, K; Dehority, B.A |
Article d'investigació |
A cryopreservation procedure for the rumen protozoon Entodinium caudatum: estimation of its viability by fluorescence microscopy |
2004 |
G. de La Fuente; J.A. Cebrián; M. Fondevila |
Article d'investigació |