From feed to field: effect of dietary protein level and use of a blend of feed additives on gaseous emissions from growing-finishing pig slurry |
2025 |
Fuertes, Esperanza; Sarri, Laura; Carnicero, Rodrigo; Perez Calvo, Estefania; Caldero, Alvaro; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Cantero Martınez, Carlos; Fernandez Ortega, Jesus; de la Fuen |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of partial or complete replacement of dietary inorganic trace minerals supplement with an advanced chelated source on nutrient digestibility in sheep
2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, Hossein ; Shokri, Zahra; Rohollahi, Mahdi; Yari, Mojtaba; Fakharzadeh, Saideh; Kalanaky, Somayeh; Nazaran, Mohammad Hassan; de la Fuente Oliver, Gabriel; Seradj, Ahmad Reza |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of energy level and presentation form of concentrate in intensive dairy calves fattening system: Impact on growth performance and feeding behavior of Holstein and Montbeliarde breeds
| 2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, Hossein; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Mora, Jesus; Costa Roure, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; de la Fuente, Gabriel; Villalba, Daniel |
Article d'investigació |
Characterization of Microbial Populations in Two Distinct Dairy Manure Management Systems: Seasonal Effect and Implications for Pollutant Gases Emissions
2024 |
Fuertes, Esperanza; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Balcells, Joaquim; Maynegre, Jordi; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Source-dependent effects of early-life zinc supplementation in milk on growth performance and starter intake of pre-weaned dairy calves |
2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, H.; Shamkhani, E.; Hafizi, M.; Mohammadi, S.; Shokri, Z.; Ahmadibonakdar, Y.; Seradj, A.R. |
Article d'investigació |
Measurement of Methane and Ammonia Emissions from Compost-Bedded Pack Systems in Dairy Barns: Tilling Effect and Seasonal Variations |
2023 |
Fuertes, E.; Balcells, J.; Maynegre, J.; de la Fuente, G.; Sarri, L.; Seradj, A. R. |
Article d'investigació |
Protein turnover in pigs: A review of interacting factors |
2023 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; Seradj, A. R.; de la Fuente, G. |
Article d'investigació |
Age evolution of lipid accretion rate in boars selected for lean meat and duroc barrows |
2022 |
Sarri, Laura; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Pena, Ramona N.; Ramírez, Gustavo A.; Tor, Marc; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Coeficiente Nitrógeno/Fósforo y pérdidas de N |
2021 |
Esperanza Fuertes; Jordi Maynegre; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente; Joaquim Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Ruminal microbiota is associated with feed-efficiency phenotype of fattening bulls fed high-concentrate diets |
2021 |
S. Costa-Roura; D. Villalba; M. Blanco; I. Casasús; J. Balcells; A. R. Seradj |
Article d'investigació |
Annual Nitrogen Balance from Dairy Barns, Comparison between Cubicle and Compost-Bedded Pack Housing Systems in the Northeast of Spain |
2021 |
Fuertes, E.; Seradj, A. R.; Maynegre, J.; Villalba, D.; de la Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Evolution of viscera and muscle fractional protein synthesis rate in lean meat selected hybrids and castrated Duroc pigs fed under moderate crude protein restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; De la Fuente, G.; Tor, M.; Gómez Arrue, J.; Seradj, A.R. |
Article d'investigació |
The Impact of Genetics on Gut Microbiota of Growing and Fattening Pigs under Moderate N Restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, Laura; Costa Roura, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
The Impact of Producing Type and Dietary Crude Protein on Animal Performances and Microbiota Together with Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Growing Pigs |
2020 |
Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquim Balcells; Laura Sarri; Lorenzo Fraile; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
Balance de nitrógeno en dos sistemas de alojamiento en vacas lecheras cubículos vs cama compostante |
2020 |
Joaquim Balcells; Esperanza Fuertes; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Jordi Maynegre; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Study of nitrogen fluxes across conventional solid floor cubicle and compost-bedded pack housing systems in dairy cattle barns located in the Mediterranean area: Effects of seasonal variation |
2020 |
J. Balcells; E. Fuertes; A. R. Seradj; J. Maynegre; D. Villalba; G. de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
In vitro and in situ degradation characteristics and rumen fermentation products of Moringa oleifera harvested at three different ages |
2019 |
Seradj, A.R.; Morazán, H.; Fondevila, M.; Liang, J.B.; De La Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Methanogenesis in animals with foregut and hindgut fermentation: A review |
2019 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; David Yañez-Ruiz; Ahmad Seradj; Joaquim Balcells Teres; Alejandro Belanche |
Review |
Changes in the Rumen Microbiota of Cows in Response to Dietary Supplementation with Nitrate, Linseed, and Saponin Alone or in Combination |
2019 |
Popova, M.; Guyader, J.; Silberberg, M.; Seradj, A.R.; Saro, C.; Bernard, A.; Gérard, C.; Martin, C.; Morgavi, D.P. |
Article d'investigació |
Modulatory effect of protein and carotene dietary levels on pig gut microbiota |
2019 |
González-Prendes, Rayner; Pena, Ramona Natacha; Solé, Emma; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Estany, Joan; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis |
Article d'investigació |
The impact of reducing dietary crude protein and increasing total dietary fiber on hindgut fermentation, the methanogen community and gas emission in growing pigs |
2018 |
Seradj AR; Balcells J ; Morazan H; Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Babot D and De la Fuente G |
Article d'investigació |
Un paso adelante en la alimentación de precisión |
2018 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquín Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Nutritional strategies to cope with reduced litter weight gain and total tract digestibility in lactating sows |
2017 |
Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Mir L; Seradj AR; Morazán H; Balcells J; Babot D |
Article d'investigació |
Carotenoid intake and SCD genotype exert complementary effects over fat content and fatty acid composition in Duroc pigs |
2017 |
Henriquez-Rodriguez, E, Pena RN, Seradj AR, Fraile L, Christou P, Tor M, Estany J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of the citrus flavonoid extract Bioflavex® or its pure components on rumen fermentation of intensively reared beef steers |
2016 |
Seradj, A. R.; Gimeno, A.; Fondevila, M.; Crespo, J.; Armengol, R.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of crude protein level in the concentrate and time allotment on pasture on milk yield, urinary nitrogen, and purine derivative excretion in lactating Latxa ewes |
2015 |
Fernández, R.; Seradj, A. R.; Oregi, L. M.; García-Rodríguez, A.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Trade-offs among growth performance, nutrient digestionand carcass traits when feeding low protein and/or highneutral-detergent fiber diets to growing-finishing pigs |
2015 |
Morazán, H.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, J.; Seradj, A.R.; Balcells, J.; Babot, D. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of Slurry Dilution, Structural Carbohydrates, and Exogenous Archaea Supply on In Vitro Anaerobe Fermentation and Methanogens Population of Swine Slurry |
2015 |
Morazán, H.; Seradj, A. R.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, J.; Abecia, L.; Babot, D.; Yañez-Ruiz, D.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of Bioflavex® and its pure flavonoid components on in vitro fermentation parameters and methane production in rumen fluid from steers given high concentrate diets |
2014 |
Seradj, A. R.; Abecia, L.; Crespo, J.; Villalba, D.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of substituting barley with sorghum on starch digestion, rumen microbial yield and growth in Iranian Baluchi lambs fed high concentrate diets |
2013 |
Yahaghi, M.; Liang, J.B.; Balcells, J.; Valizadeh, R.; Seradj, A.R.; Alimone, R.; Ho, Y.W. |
Article d'investigació |
Modelling urinary purine derivatives excretion as a tool to estimate microbial rumen outflow in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) |
2012 |
Orellana-Boero, P.; Seradj, A. R.; Fondevila, M.; Nolan, J.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Flavonoids as natural plant extracts in the feed to stabilise rumen fermentation |
2012 |
Crespo J, Serra M, Balcells J, Seradj AR, Aris A, Devant M. |
Article en premsa |
Effects of an extract of plant flavonoids (Bioflavex) on rumen fermentation and performance in heifers fed high-concentrate diets |
2012 |
Balcells, J.; Aris, A.; Serrano, A.; Seradj, A. R.; Crespo, J.; Devant, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Evolución de la población bacteriana total y metanogénica en el proceso de co-digestión anaerobia de purines de cerdos |
2011 |
Seradj AR; Morazán HJ; Álvarez-Rodríguez J; Babot D; Hermida B; Yañez DR; Abecia L; Balcells J |
Acta congrés |
Optimización de los procesos de co-digestión anaerobia de purín de cerdo a partir de subproductos agrícolas como co-sustratos y heces de vacuno como co-inóculo |
2011 |
Morazán H; Seradj AR; Hermida B; Álvarez-Rodríguez J; Babot D; Balcells J |
Acta congrés |
The chemical composition, rumen degradability, in vitro gas production, energy content and digestibility of olive cake ensiled with additives |
2008 |
Rowghani, E.; Zamiri, MJ.; Seradj, A.R. |
Article d'investigació |